Full Share Blog Tour + Review

Full Share
Eliza Freed
(Shore House, #1)
Publication date: June 21st 2016
Genres: Contemporary, New Adult

Nora Hargrove’s post-grad life includes a horrific entry-level job, a cave of an apartment, and a strict avoidance of all interpersonal relationships. She knows only one thing about herself—she wants to be left alone.

Avoiding her mother’s forced family time, she seeks solitude on her own terms. In a poorly ventilated, overcrowded Dewey Beach rental, she discovers there’s no place to hide. Not from yourself, not from your life, and not from love. This is the story of Nora Hargrove’s full share.

I learned the healing power of a good bloody Mary and a dip in the Atlantic. I kayaked in the dead of night and witnessed the only shooting star I’ve ever seen. I fell in love on a bed made of pallets. I lived.

Life is deep. Dive in.

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Coffee Cup On Wood Table At Sunset Or Sunrise Beach

5 ***** Perfect


After finishing reading Full Share, I was tempted to do something I had never done before: write a one-word review. I thought better of it but decided to use the word as the review title because that’s what the book is. Just perfect.

This wasn’t my first time under Eliza Freed’s spell so I knew I was in for a treat. She smashed all my expectations in the best way possible. I’ll use her own words to summarize the story, “I looked around my porch. Three months ago it had been this tiny, dark space that was stifling hot and void of any privacy. Now I realized it was a doorway to my soul that opened the minute I walked through it”. Nora says these words towards the end of the book and they give you a pretty good idea of what you’ll find in the book. Although it’s labeled as New Adult, it doesn’t follow the rules of the genre to the dot. Thankfully, I might add. It refreshingly dives into complex issues and makes you think just as a ‘doorway to one’s soul’ should do. I mean you don’t just decide to reevaluate your stagnated ways without a little pushing and shoving in that direction. Sometimes you need a little help from your friends and a great deal of personal loss to do it. But that’s life. And life is what Full Share is about. That’s why it’s filled with tons of people, good times, laughter, pain, and heartache.

Eliza also did a great job writing so many multifaceted characters. At first, I thought it wouldn’t work but she made it work. They made me smile, roll my eyes, and cry just like I do when I’m hanging out with my real friends. That’s because they are so realistic. You feel like you know them; that you could go out and have a beer with them. They made me feel at home in their beach house.

I could go on and on about how awesome Full Share is but I won’t waste any more of your time making you read an endless summary of it when you could be spending it starting to read the real deal. Word of advice though. Don’t start it if it’s late at night and you need to get up early the next day. You will be late for your appointment because I’m sure you won’t put the book down.


B & N


Author Bio:

Eliza Freed graduated from Rutgers University and returned to her hometown in rural South Jersey. Her mother encouraged her to take some time and find herself. After three months of searching, she began to bounce checks and her neighbors began to talk; her mother told her to find a job.

She settled into Corporate America, learning systems and practices and the bureaucracy that slows them. Eliza quickly discovered her creativity and gift for story telling as a corporate trainer and spent years perfecting her presentation skills and studying diversity. It’s during this time she became an avid observer of the characters we meet and the heartaches we endure. Her years of study have taught her laughter is the key to survival, even when it’s completely inappropriate.

She currently lives in New Jersey with her family and a misbehaving beagle named Odin. An avid swimmer, if Eliza is not with her family and friends, she’d rather be underwater. While she enjoys many genres, she has always been a sucker for a love story…the more screwed up the better.

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